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The Bengal tiger , also known as royal bengal tiger or Indian tiger is a tiger subspecies inhabiting India , Nepal , Bangladesh , Bhutan , Burma and Tibet . It is the most numerous subspecies of tiger and is known , and is found in a variety of habitats , including tropical Savannas and Forests . Their fur is usually orange or fawn , although there is a genetic mutation , which causes orange tiger skin is replaced by white, these types of tigers are known as white tigers. The tiger is the national animal of India , Bangladesh .

Scientific name: Panthera tigris tigris
Height: 90 – 110 cm (At Shoulder)
Weight: 221.2 kg on average (Male), 139.7 kg on average (Female), 0.8 – 1.6 kg (Newborn)
Length: 270 – 310 cm (Male), 240 – 265 cm (Female)


The tiger is the largest cat in the world, comparable in size with the big cats fossils . The size of tigers and other characteristics vary from one subspecies to another . In the wild male tigers weighs approximately 100 and 360 kg and a length of 220-380 cm including the tail , which measures between 60 and 110 cm . Meanwhile, females , much smaller , have a weight of 85 to 167 kg and a total length of 210-275 cm

Most tigers have an orange or tawny coat a whitish medial and ventral area and stripes around varies from dark brown to black. The form and amount of the stripes vary their sex , if the amount of striped female is smaller, although mayorian tigers have a total of 100 lines .

The pattern of stripes is unique to each individual and can use this to identify an individual , in the same way that fingerprints are used to identify a person .

Like most cats , tigers are believed to have some color vision . Moreover, your night vision is very sharp , thanks to speculate membrane located in the retina, which focuses the little night light. Like the other members of the genus , the tiger has the ability to roar . Unlike other cats , but the likeness of the jaguar , the tiger is an excellent swimmer , can surprise and hunt prey in the water.

The adult tigers are usually fiercely territorial and hunt long . The tigress may have a territory of 20 km2 . while males are much more extensive , covering an average area of 80 km2 . The male tigers may allow entry of several females to their territory , to the point of sharing a dam and even after feeding the female, but not tolerate male tigers entry to its territory.

Due to its aggressive nature , territorial disputes among tigers are violent and may end with the death of one of the males , although such deaths are less common than thought , as in most of the fights for territory the males emerge virtually unscathed.

To mark his territory the male spraying urine or other secretions on trees.

A female is only receptive for only a few days , and mating may occur several times during this time. The gestation has an approximate duration of 103 days , and after passing this period , the female gives birth one to six litters of less than one kilogram .

When completing eight weeks old , the pups are ready to leave his lair and follow their mother . Copies young become independent at 18 months of age , but even an approximate age of between two years and two and a half definitely not separate from the mother.

The tigers reach sexual maturity at three or four years old. The young tigers usually use the territory very close to his mother , while males tend to wander in search of a territory that normally acquired through struggles with the male owner of a certain territory.

The tigers usually give birth to a similar number of males and females throughout life


In the wild , tigers mostly feed on large ungulates and like many other predators , tigers are opportunistic and not despise small prey , such as monkeys, peacocks , rabbits and even fish.

In Siberia the main prey of the tiger are the elk , the boar , shika deer , roe deer and musk deer while on the island of Sumatra , Timor deer , the boar , and Malayan tapirs are hunted prey most often by the Sumatran tiger . They are also able to hunt large herbivores such as gaur , water buffalo and elk.

The tiger prefer to hunt large prey like sambar , gaur or water buffalo as they provide more meat, so that lasts several days , avoiding the need for another hunt. In all populations , the tiger is the ultimate predator, and not compete with other carnivores , except for bears that will surpass in size and weight , and Asian wild dog , which compensates for his lack of strength with the number .

A tiger hungry and desperate can attack anything it considers potential food .
Risk of extinction

Currently, the biggest enemy for Tiger is human .

The bones , and almost all tiger body parts have been used in traditional Oriental medicine , today this practice has been banned in China.

Poaching for obtaining skin and habitat destruction have reduced considerably the wild tiger population . It is estimated that in the early twentieth century existed around 100,000 tigers in the wild , spread from the Anatolian Peninsula to the island of Bali , mietras recently estimated that the wild tiger population consists of little more than 3,000 copies, while in captivity is estimated that there are approximately 20 000 .
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